Blood Diamonds In Sierra Leone

End of Civil War- Failure of Compromise

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Diamond History In Sierra Leone
Blood Diamonds To Fund Conflicts/Purchase Weapons
Lome Peace Agreements
International Reaction
End of Civil War- Failure of Compromise

      After the events of May 2000, a cease-fire was established to help the peace process. In 2002, 72,000 rebels had been disarmed and demobilized. On January 18, 2002 President Kabbah declared the civil war officially over.
      Sankoh was handed to the British and, under jurisdiction of a UN-backed court, he was indicted on 17 counts for various war crimes, including crimes against humanity, rape, sexual slavery and extermination. While awaiting trail, Sankoh died from a stroke.

Economic Impact

      The long Sierra Leone Civil War caused much devastaion  to Sierra Leone's economy. It caused destruction to buildings, businesses, homes, resources, and most of all the people of Sierra Leone. The rebels that participated in the war also caused the country to lose billions of dollars because of their illegal diamond mining and trading. This caused Sierra Leone to have a big drop on their revenue base.

      In December 1999, The International Monetary Foundation approved about $21 million in emergency post-conflict assistance for Sierra Leone to help the government's reconstruction and econmomic recovery program.

Social Impact

     Tens of thousands died in the Sierra Leone Civil War, and more than two million people were displaced. While RUF rebels controlled the diamond trade, the people remained among the poorest on Earth.

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